Discovered top 5 service asks facing account management teams and then mapped task flows, identified pain points, found and tested solutions for each.
UX Designer, Strategist
November 2018
Removed over $100,000 a year in recurring service costs.
Top Ticketed Tasks
Finding Inefficiencies
While investigating new ways to lower the cost to serve customers with self-service options, I came across the top 5 ticketed requests that the Account Managers regularly encountered.
Top 5 ticketed requests:
- Change Primary Billing Contact
- Add USB Device
- Remove USB Device
- Security Report
- Penetration Test
These 5 tasks were taking up the most amount of our Account Managers time of all service requests. I decided to dig deeper into just why these took so much of their time.
Benchmarking the Current Process
Nobody knew why these were costing so much to serve or what each of these processes entailed from start to finish. We needed an overview of what each task entailed.
I interviewed top account managers and mapped each of the task flows.
(Click to Enlarge)
Identifying problems
After understanding and mapping out each task flow, I was able to find where the pain points and redundancies were within each task. Envisioning what these flows would look like with these flaws removed I was able to create improved flows to compare them to.
(Click to Enlarge)
Security Reports
Security Reports’ Issues
Looking at the new improved flows, most of the issues could be automated or solved with changes to the way we handled the problems. Only one of the tasks, Security Reports, required a UI overhaul to remedy.
Looking at the pain points in this flow highlighted the UI issues.
Security Reports Paint Points:
- Users cannot find the Security Documents page
- Inconsistent labels for the page
- Accepting the NDA is troublesome
- Adobe Reader has to be used
- MyCloud opens documents in new tab
- User cannot find the information they need easily
- Have to dig through every doc to find one piece of info
- Poor organization of content
- No search capability
- No categories
- Title’s aren’t descriptive of contents, use acronyms/codes
Interface Issues
Looking at the current interface I highlighted where the issues lay.
(Click to Enlarge)
While devising solutions to the highlighted issues, I was not sure how users might most like the information organized. I created wireframes and organized the page’s documents in 3 unique ways, by type, alphabetical or by location. These 3 wireframes would be shown to users to get feedback on which type they preferred.
After testing the wireframes with users, the overwhelming majority favored the page that was organized by type of document.
Implementing Solutions
Implement solutions
I brought each of the problems with their respective solutions to the relevant stake holders and we devised plans to fix each issue.
With the implementation of these 5 solutions we were able to eliminate over $100,000 in recurring annual service costs. Because almost all of the time spent on these top tasks was eliminated for the Account Managers, they could now spend more time on other tasks, such as strengthening their relationships with the customers and solving other high value issues.
Not only did this help save the company time and money but we were able to make each of the tasks faster and easier for the customer, helping to make their overall experience more enjoyable!